08. Tracking Features

04 Tracking Features V2

Where is Optical Flow Used?

Optical Flow is a well-researched and fast algorithm and it is used in a lot of tracking technology, today! One such example is the NVIDIA Redtail drone, which uses optical flow to track surrounding objects in a video stream.

Next: Localization

This introductory lesson was meant to give you a starting idea of how motion is represented and how one can go about estimating the motion of an object. Most of this section will be about tracking and localizing moving objects!

Next, you'll see how to tackle a complex problem: localization. Localization is all about finding out exactly where an object is in an environment and then tracking it over time as it moves (and in the case of a robot) as it gathers sensor measurements via camera, radar, LiDAR, or other sensors.

Localization is a key concept in the field of autonomous vehicles, so let's dive in!